“Legalism is the search for innocence – not forgiveness”.

“Legalism is the search for innocence – not forgiveness. It’s a systematic process of defending self, explaining self, exalting self, and justifying self. Legalists are obsessed with self – not God.

Legalism puts the fear of man in you. It makes you approval-hungry. You become keenly aware of what others will say and think, and you do what it takes to please them. Conformity is not fun, but it’s safe. The uniform doesn’t fit, but it’s approved, so you wear it. You don’t know why you are marching or where you are going — but who are you to ask questions? So you stay in step and plod down the path of least resistance.

And if you dare explore another trail, you must do so at night, like Nicodemus did.

We religious teachers like to control and manage. We like to define and outline. Structure and clarity are the friend of the preacher. But they aren’t always the protocol of God.

Salvation is God’s business. Grace is his idea, his work, and his expense.” -Max Lucado

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