Signposts continued……(2)

4) It’s not for a lack of credentials or insufficient credentials that prevents somebody from properly identifying or seeing the truth, but quite possibly because of their credentials.

5) It is not the problem that the majority of people stumble over, it is the solution.

6) Just by definition, our experience in regard to our relationship with the G-d that this Bible describes, should be an amazing ride.

To be continued….

Signposts along the way

So, if you’ve read the post about what this blog is about you would have read that it is about my journey, my ‘walk’ with G-d. So in this journey (it’s been about six years now) I have run across some signposts that I find amazing and they help keep me pretty grounded. I’d like to share them with you. They pretty much are becoming  the framework of how  I see this journey….. Here are the signposts. Commenting on the will come in later posts.

Although I believe some ‘signpost’ are more important than others, these are in not in any particular order.

1) I have found that in spiritual development [for a lack of a better term] The more I grow the more I find that I need to take myself less seriously.  Which Segways well into the next signpost…

2) What I believe,what I offer to people, is an invitation. I have no need to prove anything. What I have come to hold as true is the result of a process. I am more than willing to abandon something I hold to be true for greater clarity.

3) A Buddhist proverb: When the student is ready the teacher will appear.

To be continued….

The Process of Growth……..

“I was young yesterday,” she said……”
“You say you were young?”
“Are you not young to-day also?”
She appeared to be thinking for a few moments, so intently
that the flowers dropped, unregarded, from her hand.
“I see it now,” she said presently. “It is very strange to say
one is young at the moment one is speaking. But to-morrow
I shall be older. And then 1 shall say I was young to-day……”

The Queen of Parelandr


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